Past Events

Past Events

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Completed School Project: 2024

The Peradeniya Kidney Protection Society initiated a short project to assist children with kidney disease to further their education. 22 children in need of school stationery, school bags, shoes etc were selected. The items were purchased and handed over to the parents and children.
The team comprised Committee Members and Donors.

Committee Members


Prof: Neelakanthi Ratnatunga
Dr. Daphne De Zoysa
Mr. Anslem Nannayakkara
Dr.Devani Dissanayake
Mrs.Sumithra Ekanayake
Mr. K.A.S.C. Bandara
Mrs. Sudharma Kurrupu
Miss.Dushyanthi Kalikotuwe
Mr.Nathan Samarathunga
Prof: Champa Ratnatunga
Dr.Kesara Ratnatunga
Dr.Chaturanga Wijeratne
Dr.Prageeth Fonseka
Dr.Prasansani Rathnayake
Dr.J.A.M.A. Jayatilake
Mr.Malik Sally
Mr.Nuwan Weerasinghe
Mr.Sahan Weerasinghe
Mr.Dayan de Alwis
Mr. Asoka Weerasekara
Mrs.Chitrica Weerasekara
Mrs.Dammika Ekanayake
Dr.S. Chandrasekarum
Mrs. Mandri Obeyesekara



Workshop "Making Ornamental Items out of Coconut Shells"

We conducted a very successful work shop on “making ornamental items out of coconut shells “ for patients and parents of children with kidney disease on the 27th September 2022 at the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya with an aim to promote self employment. The idea, organisation and the sponsorship are from Mr. Anslem Nanayakkara and Mr. Priyankara Bandara - our social workers and their team coordinated the event. We are grateful to the support extended by the Director and the staff of the Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya.




Opening Ceremony of the Renal Care Unit, Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya

The Renal Care Unit of the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya was formally declared open by the Minister of Health Hon. Dr. Keheliya Rambukwella on the 7th of January 2022. The dream of having such a unit at the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya was finally realized ……. years after commencement of the building. It is with great pride that the Peradeniay Kidney Protection Society records the great contribution made by the society towards this project. Rupees 58 million worth building material, equipment, furniture, medical curtains and other essential items was given to this project by the society.

The Society gratefully acknowledges the donors whose generosity was the key to the success of this project. The details are given in the chart below. Our next project is to acquire a vehicle for the use of the kidney patients.




Our Mission

Our mission is to provide Kidney Disease patients and their families with the best care and welfare possible

Latest News

02 January 2024
02 January 2024
