About Us

About Us

The Peradeniya Kidney Protection Society (affiliated to Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya) was established in February 2020 when a group of well-wishers joined together with a goal to help patients with kidney diseases who come to Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya.

Large numbers of patients with kidney disease are treated at Teaching Hospital, Peradeniya. Peradeniya is the largest center that looks after children with kidney disease. It is also the center that conducts the largest number of kidney transplants in children having performed nearly 150 kidney transplants since 2004.

This center provides care for children coming from all parts of the country. These patients and their families have to undergo many hardships with regard to transport and accommodation. At present Peradeniya Hospital does not have a separate unit to look after these patients. In this regard a kidney unit with facilities for dialysis and intensive care is being constructed with the support of the Sri Lankan Army.

The government spends a large amount of money to care for these patients. However, the patients and their families need more additional care and support, which the government cannot be expected to provide. We have identified and recognized this additional need, and hence embarked on this endeavor of establishing the Peradeniya Kidney Protection Society.

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide Kidney Disease patients and their families with the best care and welfare possible

Latest News

02 January 2024
02 January 2024
