Future Plans

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Await our next project: Joy to Children with Kidney Disease

The Peradeniya Kidney Protection Society works toward the welfare of children with kidney disease.  There are probably children with other talents that cannot be expressed or are unrecognized due to their difficult financial situations. There may be children who are artistic, or musical who are unable to pursue their talents.  We are planning to bring some joy and happiness into the lives of these children, by assisting them to develop their extracurricular talents.  Presently we are conducting a survey to get data. A project will be written in due course.


4th Annual General Meeting-2023-2024

The 4th Annual General Meeting of the Peradeniya Kidney Protection Society will be held on the 25th August 2024 at 10.30AM in the Board Room of the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya. Life members are kindly requested to attend the meeting. If you are unable to attend please inform Prof. N. Ratnatunga.
email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tei: +94 777 434443



Providing a vehicle for the Peradeniya Teaching Hospital Kidney Treatment Unit

A Yeoman Service for Patients

Preamble: The Peradeniya Kidney Protection Society (affiliated to the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya) was established in February 2020 as a non-profit charitable voluntary organization by a group of well-wishers who together with a goal to help patients with kidney diseases seeking treatment at the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya.

Peradeniya is the largest centre that cares for children with kidney disease. It is also the centre that performs the largest number of kidney transplants in children, having performed nearly 150 transplants since 2004. This centre provides care for children from all parts of the country. (see attached map). These patients and their families have to undergo many hardships with regard to transport and accommodation. Treatment of adults with kidney disease has also now commenced at the Peradeniya Hospital. A kidney unit with facilities for dialysis and intensive care was completed recently with the support of the Sri Lanka Army. The Peradeniya Kidney Protection Society assisted with this in numerous ways.


Main Objective:

Patients with kidney disease require to come to the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya for several reasons. Using public transport is not feasible for many patients due to high costs and also risk of infections. Only a privileged few can afford private transport. It is our aim to obtain a vehicle for the sole purpose of serving these patients.

What is the need for the patient

  1. Travel to the hospital every 4th day for haemodialysis whilst waiting for a kidney transplant
  2. Travel to the hospital to collect the solutions for peritoneal dialysis done at home – i.e.: Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) (One month stock comprises a large package)
  3. Travel to the hospital to the clinic. This is essential soon after kidney transplant. Public transport is not recommended because of the risk of infection

Other Needs

  1. Regular Home visits by social service and nursing personnel to check on patients on CAPD.
  2. Officers to visit outstations for outreach programs
  3. Provide transportation for kidney disease-related clinics and research activities in outreach areas
  4. Provide transportation for medical officers/ nursing officers to attend continuous medical education program outside of Peradeniya



Providing a vehicle for the Peradeniya Teaching Hospital Kidney Treatment Unit

A Yeoman Service for Patients

This will enable to following detailed objectives to be achieved.

  1. The vehicle will travel on pre-arranged routes and pick up patients at prearranged locations. They will be taken back the same day after dialysis.
  2. The vehicles will take the solutions required for home dialysis and deliver them to the homes or the local hospital
  3. Patients visiting the clinic also will be transported in this prearranged fashion
  4. Others- transport can be provided for healthcare persons to visit homes and also to travel to distant places to conduct educational programs.


The expected outcome:

Patients will have their required care even if they cannot afford transport.  Their regular care is ensured. It will much less tiring for the patient.

Travel requirements of personnel visiting homes, for conducting education programs will be met.


The Vehicle

The requirement is for a dual-purpose vehicle able also to seat 15-20 persons.


The vehicle will be under the jurisdiction of the administration of the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya. The driver for the vehicle will be provided by the hospital. It will be serviced and maintained by the Teaching Hospital Peradeniya.

We require a generous donor to make us a gift of this vehicle




Our Mission

Our mission is to provide Kidney Disease patients and their families with the best care and welfare possible

Latest News

02 January 2024
02 January 2024
